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Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by drug craving, seeking, and use that can persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug-seeking may become compulsive in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many people, relapses are possible even after long periods of abstinence. For more information, click here. National Institute of Health.

1. Client is to provide his/her counselor with a phone number where they can be reached for diversion control/medication call back. This needs to be a working phone number(s)or a number where a phone message can be left for the client.
2. Counselor calls client to bring take homes in for medication call back/diversion control.
3. Client is to come in with all empty take home bottles and any full take home bottles in allotted time frame that counselor will state on the phone. If client cannot come in that day, client must come in to the clinic the next morning before dosing closes with that day’s take home bottle UNOPENED.
4. Nurse checks take home bottles and a supervised toxicology screen will be obtained.
If client is unable to be reached at phone numbers in computer, or does not return phone call or does not come in for medication check in the allotted time, it will result in loss of take homes.
If a client is going to be out of town, or has a change of phone numbers or work schedule, it is the client’s responsibility to notify his/her counselor!!!!!!
Any questions...Always contact your counselor!!

The big question is may I breastfeed my baby while on methadone? The answer is YES you can. Studies have shown that the amount of methadone that CAN get into the breast milk is very small. Old information lead pediatricians to only encourage those women dosing at 20mg or less to breastfeed; but the American Academy of Pediatrics removed the 20mg limit in 2001. This is a subject that you need to discuss with your pediatrician early in your pregnancy. Do not wait until you deliver to have this conversation.